Page History: Delta 6x48 Sander Miscellaneous
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Page Revision: 2009/04/25 14:30
Additional Detail Pictures
These details show various problems one can encounter when buying a used sander{Reference:|belt sander body details}.
Table and inside groove:
Lower sanding cut:
Tightening Screw Repair
By Bob Vaughan{Reference:|Delta 6x48 31-730 sander repair details(16 pictures)}
Another problem point is that the end of the tightening screw wears where the threads rest against a shoulder in the casting. This causes the end to stick up above the bed and becomes a nuisance.
The shoulder in question inside the casting
Typical of any sander disassembly
The bad shoulder
Turning the shoulder down a bit. Also, the end was turned back that amount and a little taken off the housing shown two photos up.
All Better