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Page History: Crescent Heavy 8-inch Jointer

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1903 Catalog

Crescent 8-inch Jointer

Crescent 8-inch Jointer

In construction and design this machine is the exact counterpart of our larger Jointers. But the dimensions being smaller, it has the following advantages: Less space required, less power, less cost and the knives are easier to keep in order. The head being of small diameter enables us to reduce the throat space between tables to a minimum. The machine has a four-sided solid steel head, slotted on two sides for special cutters. Tables are arranged for rabbeting, and tilting fence is provided. The countershaft has tight and loose pulleys, 8 inches diameter for 3-inch belt. Speed of countershaft should be 900 revolutions per minute to give the head a speed of 4,000 per minute. The pulley on the head is 3½ inches diameter and will admit of a 2½-inch belt, but 2¼-inch belt will be plenty wide to run the machine to best advantage.

Length of tables  Front. 83; rear 30 inches.
Height of table from floor.  33 inches.
Floor space required, over all  21x64 inches.
Cubic measure, boxed for export  24 feet.
Gross weight, boxed for export  1,000 pounds.
Net weight  800 pounds.
List price of machine  $130
Telegraphic code word  Ennoergie.
Regular Equipment—The following items are included with each machine, and need not be mentioned in ordering: One pair (two) knives, one countershaft complete, one pressure spring.

1910 Catalog

Little noticeable differences can been seen in the actual jointers in the 1910 issue as compared to the 1904 catalog with the exception that the 1910 Catalog does clearly state that Jointer Safety Guard was introduced to the line in this year. From 1910 onward, the guard was standard equipment on all Crescent jointers but older models could be retrofitted with one by drilling and tapping two holes in the side of the machine. The 1910 catalog also goes into much more detail about some of the features of Crescent jointers than earlier issues. The following are excerpts from the 1910 catalog:

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