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John Abell, Obituary
Modified on 2025/01/22 21:40
Joel Havens
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      John Abell, pioneer manufacturer of engines and threshers at Toronto, Ont., died at his home in that city Aug. 7, at the age of 81. He the biggest of the year in iron mining proper- large measure this has been accomplished by was an Englishman by birth, coming to Canada when twenty-two years of age. In 1845 he established a machine shop at Woodbridge, Ont., and in 1886 removed the business to Toronto, where a large plant was erected. In 1894 the business was incorporated under the name of the John <b>Abell Engine & Machine Works Company, Ltd.</b>, of which John Abell president. Three years ago, Mr. Abell retired from active connection with the company, and a little over a year ago the business was sold to <b>The Minneapolis Thresher Machine Company</b> of Minneapolis, and the <b>Advance Thresher Company</b> of Battle Creek, Mich., and reorganized as the <b>American-Abell Engine & Thresher Company, Ltd.</b> Mr. Abell was an inventor of high ability, and was the pioneer in the improvement of threshing engines and machinery. He was a man of pleasing personality, and broad and progressive ideas. He will be greatly missed both socially and commercially by the community in which he lived. {br} <h3>Information Sources</h3> <ul> <li> <cite>Farm Implements,</cite>V17, #7, 27 Aug., 1903, pg. 46 </li> </ul> {br}
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