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Part Numbers

The topic just keeps on comming up and every time it does, it seems to get harder and harder to find this post in the Discussion Forum Archive. So, here is a post made by Keith Rucker back in July 2004 concerning the Grizzly part numbers for parts that will fit the Delta 12-14 Saw:

  • P7209006 (or P5959006) ARBOR ADAPTER 1"
  • P7209005 (or P5959005) BLADE FLANGE 1"
  • P7209004 (or P5959004) ARBOR NUT 1"
  • P5959083 ARBOR EXTENSION DADO 5/8"
  • P5959005A BLADE FLANGE 5/8"
  • P5959004A ARBOR NUT 5/8"
  • P7209106 BLADE INSERT

Blade Inserts

The blade inserts will work on the Delta machines but they are slightly oversize out of the box. I had to spend about an hour doing some light machine work to get it to fit just right. Basically, you have to sand/grind/mill - however you wish to do it (I used my belt sander) about a 1/16 of an inch or less off of the ends of the insert to get it to fit. Also, the four screws on the bottom of the insert that are used to adjust the height of the insert do not line up with the tabs in the Delta table. I had to drill four new holes in the correct place and tap them to fit the small set screws. Nothing major but want you to understand that it is not a direct fit.

Also, for what it is worth, the "Dado Blade Insert" and the regular "Blade Insert" are the same casting with the only difference being that the dado version has had a gap milled out for the dado to fit through. If I had it to do over again, I would have ordered the regular blade insert and milled my own slot a bit smaller than the one on the Dado insert. While I would have to go out in the shop to measure the insert, I believe that it is made to handle a 2" wide dado stack. Since the most I will probably ever use is 3/4", you end up with a lot of open space in that insert. I would rather custom mill my own slot about 1" wide - which is more than I will probably ever need but leaves that extra inch of table covered up where I now have a hole.

Spanner Wrench

The Spanner Wrench will fit the arbor nut on the Delta saw but the spanner wrench side does not fit the Delta arbor for removing stub arbors. The wrench is fine if all you are trying to do is remove the nut but if you want a true spanner wrench to fit the arbor, you will have to search for an original Delta wrench.

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