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Page History: Delta 6x48 Belt Sander

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Page Revision: 2009/04/25 02:29


6x48 Sander by Martin King

Delta 6x48 Sander by Martin King

Type Study

There isn't one, you haven't written it yet. When you put it together, Jayeson Lee-Steere will be more than happy to wikify it, seek out photo permissions, etc. In the mean time, poking around the restoration topics below will yield a few small nuggets of information.

Evaluating Condition

These popular sanders often require more work than is typical of other types of machines.{Reference:|Worn drum on 6x48 sander} Non standard parts, machine shop time and some innovation may be required to bring one back to running condition. Some things to look out for are{Reference:|Rockwell 52-611 Sander Info}{Reference:|Sander question}{Reference:|Delta 6" x 48" belt sander}:

  • Is the platen (the flat surface the belt runs against) made from cast iron or folded sheet metal? A cast iron platen is greatly preferred and acquiring one should be planned for if a sheet metal platen is fitted.
  • There is often significant wear on the face of the platen. Flat is best and mill marks across the entire platen are bestest. If the machine was used in the horizontal position you'll maybe see a slight belly. If it was always used in the vertical you'll see a definate wear from left to right and as high as what ever was ground a lot.
  • Check that the machine will track a belt. Sand something and make sure it still tracks well.
  • There are typically deep cuts in the main body and guards of the sander. The side and top guards may be missing/discarded completely.
  • Check for missing or broken knobs and handles.
  • Check the drums for a proper, slight inverted V or U shaped crown, not the slight W profile common on used machines. This is a common cause of tracking issues.
  • With the belt off, check for looseness in the lower shaft. Looseness indicates a worn shaft as well as bad bearings. Likewise, check the idler drum for looseness relative the idler casting.
  • If bearings need replacement, a press will almost certainly be required to replace them in the idler assembly.
  • Enclosed sheet metals stands are noisy.

Look through the restoration topics below for more details.

Restoration Topics


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