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Page History: Delta 6x48 Sander Tables, Fences and Stops

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Page Revision: 2009/04/24 00:23



Table Lip Repair

By Shane Whitlock{Reference:|Rockwell Belt Sander Restoration Pics (updated all finished)}.

The edge of the table was really chewed up and I wasn't sure how I was going to fix it. I could of just cut the edge off but then it would of had about a 1/2" gap between the table and sander. I thought about mounting a piece of steel to the top but then I couldn't use the miter gauge.

Then I remember I had a couple chunks of plastic that I snag out of the dumpster at work, so I cut an inch off of the table, sanded it flat using the sander and mounted the plastic to it. The plastic is very tough stuff, it was easier to sand the steel than it was the plastic, so it should last a while, and if it gets beat up and I just replace it.

This shows the piece of cast iron I cut off. I cut it right along the webbing of the table so I had something to bolt the plastic too. You can also see one of the plastic blocks I cut up.

I used carriage bolts to bolt the plastic to the table by drilling through the front of the block and through the webbing of the table. The grooves on the bottom of the block are from the existing holes that were in the plastic. Wish they wasn't there but I didn't dare make the block any skinnier. At least they are on the bottom where ya can't see them.


Marc D provided the following reference images for anyone wanting to fabricate their own stop{Reference:| Delta 6X48 "backstop" 31-403}:


ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.